Актуальные предложения от поставщиков по компоненту «BK-AHCF-V2-20-R»:
8 недель
800 шт.
Circuit Protection\Fuses\Cartridge FusesAHC/AHC5/AHCF High-Voltage Ceramic Tube FusesEaton AHC/AHC5/AHCF High-Voltage Ceramic Tube Fuses are fast-acting performance fuses with a 6.3mm x 32mm (" x 1") compact 3AB footprint. These fuses incorporate up t
1 410 руб.
Circuit Protection\Fuses\Cartridge FusesAHC/AHC5/AHCF High-Voltage Ceramic Tube FusesEaton AHC/AHC5/AHCF High-Voltage Ceramic Tube Fuses are fast-acting performance fuses with a 6.3mm x 32mm (" x 1") compact 3AB footprint. These fuses incorporate up t
Россия, Владивосток
+7 (800) 200-93-91
доб. 200